Cathedral Visits (Past & Planned)
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Please see below a list of our cathedral visits

June 1995 -------- Rochester Cathedral

July 1997 -------- Peterborough Cathedral

October 1997 ---- Bury St. Edmunds

February 1998--- Norwich Cathedral

May 1998 -------- Worcester Cathedral(weekend of services)

July 1998 -------- Peterborough Cathedral

July 1999 ---------Bury St.Edmunds

July 2000 -------- Chichester Cathedral

January 2001---- Rochester Cathedral

July 2001 -------- Bristol Cathedral(weekend of services)

June 2002 ------- St. Albans Cathedral

July 2003 -------- Bristol Cathedral (4 day tour)

October 2004 --- Chichester Cathedral

July 2005 -------- Gloucester Cathedral


July 2006 -------- Bury St Edmunds

July 2007 -------- Lichfield Cathedral